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One Fact and One Myth about Kidney Disease


Kidney disease may be a common condition but misconceptions continue to exist about this condition. We all understand how a false statement can endanger the lives of many people. Thus, knowledge keeps us all safe.

Let us introduce one myth and the correct information about kidney disease.

  • Myth: Dialysis is the only treatment for kidney disease.
  • Fact: There are different treatment options to manage the stage of the disease.

Dialysis is a widely known treatment for kidney illness but not every patient needs dialysis. For starters, dialysis is essentially replacing the function of your kidneys. It means the excess water, solutes, and toxins are extracted through the dialysis procedure instead of the normal filtering of the kidney.

This treatment is most appropriate for patients whose kidney functions are already life-threatening. Kidney disease is a progressive disease. It starts with specific symptoms in a mild or less severe condition. Certain medications and lifestyle changes can help manage the kidney problem and reduce the chances of the condition to progress further.

South Belt Kidney Center is your primary Dialysis Center in Houston, Texas.

Do you have anything to ask? The specialists at Kidney Center in Texas are excited to have your call.

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